Monday 26 August 2013

Stop Funeral Touting!

Sign the petition - 

This is usually the scene at our nation's hospitals. Fierce battles for human bodies by the Funeral Homes that solicit business there. This heinous practice is reminiscent of something we see in the animal kingdom...... The soliciting Funeral Homes at the mortuaries are no better than the common Corbeaux scavenging Funerals. 

This Practice is both predatory and unscrupulous. Truly disgusting and has no place in civilized society.

The Association of Funeral Professionals of Trinidad and Tobago urge you all to reject the Corbeaux Soliciting Funerals at the hospitals and to report any and all misconduct by Funeral Service Providers.

Funeral Homes Unscrupulous Practices

Meet Mr. Corbeaux, he and his friends can usually be spotted loitering at our county's hospitals and morgues.

The practice of touting/canvassing by Funeral Homes is an unethical and disgraceful SCAM. This practice takes advantage of bereaved persons for monetary gain. The Canvassers or Funeral Home Touts at the hospitals and morgues approach families who have experienced a loss and make outrageous claims and quote unrealistic prices for service. When families are scammed into patronizing these unscrupulous funeral service providers the price is tripled and when the family tries to move their loved one to another funeral service provider they are charged high penalties. These penalties are so high that some families can't afford to pay the penalties and the funeral cost, this results in some families staying with the unscrupulous funeral homes and receiving poor quality service at elevated prices. Other families are simply charged more money for products and services that are not worth the cost.

The Association of Funeral Professionals of Trinidad and Tobago seeks to regulate the conduct of all funeral service providers in Trinidad and Tobago. The Association is currently working with The Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards with backing for certain Government Ministers to create legislation to regulate the conduct of the Funeral Service Profession in Trinidad and Tobago.

The Association asks for your help by signing our petition to show Public Support for the cause of protecting our citizens from unscrupulous Funeral Service Providers.

Sign the Petition to protect the rights of our citizens:

Stop the ugly practice of Touting for Funerals by Funeral Homes

“When my Mom died suddenly, we were all shocked and we didn’t know what to do. We had to go down to the hospital morgue to see her. While we were there, a funeral home came to us and offered their services for a reasonable price. But when we went to the make the arrangements, the price was more than double what they had said. And to top it off, when we said that we wanted to move my mom to a different funeral home they charged us such a high price to move her. We couldn’t afford to pay that price and pay for the funeral too so we stayed with them. The funeral was an insult to my Mother’s memory, we were not satisfied at all. 

The Funeral Directors Association has deemed the following activities to be unethical:
• Soliciting, Canvassing or Touting for funerals by funeral homes at the nation’s hospitals and mortuaries

• Soliciting funerals by uninvited visits to the home of a bereaved family

• Soliciting funerals at the scene of an accident

• Unfair Pricing I find this term to be confusing and can be misunderstood. Maybe we can use "Unrealistic Pricing"?

The Funeral Directors Association believes that it is the sacred right of each family to select a funeral home without harassment from any funeral home.

We recommend that families should select a funeral home based on: 
• The Age and Experience of the Funeral Home

• The Employment of Certified Funeral Directors

• The Recommendation of a friend or relative based on a previous experience

• The Best value for your hard earned dollars


Sign the Petition: